Department of Computer Science

Comal Building Room 211
T: 512-245-3409 F: 512-245-8750

The mission of the Department of Computer Science is to advance the knowledge of computer science and technology through education, research, and service for the betterment of society.

The Department of Computer Science offers two degree options for students - a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Computer Science. All students complete a core sequence of courses designed to provide them with a solid foundation in computer science. The upper-division electives offer students the opportunity to explore cutting-edge topics aligned with the department's research strengths, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared for the dynamic landscape of the computing industry. Upon completion of their studies, Computer Science graduates enter diverse professional domains, including software development, cybersecurity, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design, machine learning and data science, and game development. Students also enter graduate programs to further their knowledge and pursue research in computer science.

Please note: Students cannot major/minor or double major within the Department of Computer Science.

Courses in Computer Science (CS)

CS 1308. Computer Literacy and the Internet.

A study of the uses of computers and their effects on society. Text processing, spreadsheets, databases, and Web programming. Does not count for computer science credit towards a minor, a BS, or a BA in computer science.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 1319. Fundamentals of Computer Science.

Provides fundamental knowledge of the six layers of computer science as per the ACM CS0 curriculum. The information, hardware, programming, operating system, applications, and communications layers are presented plus appropriate open computer laboratory exercises. Does not count for computer science credit towards a minor, BS, or BA in computer science.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 1342. Programming for Scientists and Engineers.

This course is an introduction to computer science and problem solving techniques with applications in engineering and the physical sciences. Topics include an introduction to computer organization, data representation, algorithm development, and computer programming in a high-level language.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 1428. Foundations of Computer Science I.

Introductory course for computer science majors, minors and others desiring technical introduction to computer science. Contains overview of history and structure of the digital computer, including binary data representation. Problem solving, algorithm development, structured programming, good coding style, and control structures of C++ are emphasized. Prerequisite: [MATH 1315 or MATH 1317 or MATH 1319 or MATH 1329 or MATH 2417 or MATH 2471 with a grade of "C" or better] or [ACT Mathematics score of 24 or better] or [New ACT Mathematics score of 25 or better] or [SAT Mathematics score of 520 or better] or [SAT Math Section score of 550 or better] or [Accuplacer College Mathematics score of 86 or better] or [Compass College Algebra score of 46 or better] or [Next-Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions Test of 263 or better].

4 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Lab Required
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 2308. Foundations of Computer Science II.

The course is an introduction to Abstract Data Types (ADTs) including lists, stacks, and queues. Searching and sorting, pointers and dynamic memory allocation, and simple classes and objects also will be covered. The course is a continuation of CS 1428. Prerequisite: CS 1428 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 2315. Computer Ethics.

This course is primarily for computer science majors, focusing on the ethical codes of the professional societies, the philosophical bases of ethical decision-making, and the examination of several contemporary case studies. (WI) Prerequisites: CS 1428 and [COMM 1310 or COMM 2338] and [ENG 1310 or ENG 1320 or ENG 1321 or ENG 3303] and [PHIL 1305 or PHIL 1320] all with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Writing Intensive
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 2318. Assembly Language.

A course covering assembly language programming, including instruction sets, addressing modes, instruction formats, looping, logic, data representation, subroutines and recursion; and the interface between hardware and software. Prerequisites: CS 2308 and MATH 2358 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3190. Cooperative Education.

This course provides cooperative education students the opportunity to study particular problems in computer science in an occupational setting. Problems are related to the student's work assignment, culminating in the student's technical report or presentation. A total of 3 hours of cooperative education credit may be applied to the student's major elective. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.25 Overall GPA and instructor approval.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 40 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

CS 3279A. Career Preparation and Job Search Strategies.

This course will help computer science students plan and launch their careers and find internships. Topics include career assessment, job search strategies, resume writing, interview skills, development of coding skills required for interviews, networking and negotiation. Prerequisite: CS 2308 and CS 2315 both with grades of "C" or better.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3290. Advanced Cooperative Education.

This course provides cooperative education students the opportunity to study particular problems in computer science in an occupational setting. Problems are related to the student's work assignment, culminating in the student's technical report or presentation. A total of 3 hours of cooperative education credit may be applied to the student's major elective. Prerequisite: A minimum 2.25 Overall GPA and instructor approval.

2 Credit Hours. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 40 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

CS 3320. Internet Software Development.

A course providing foundations for the construction and design of static and dynamic Web pages with database applications. This will include server-side and client-side software development. Prerequisite: CS 2308 with a grade of "C" or better or instructor approval.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3339. Computer Architecture.

This course provides instruction on the use of fundamental hardware components. Topics include arithmetic logic units (ALU), single and multiple cycle datapath and control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) vs. Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) , pipelining, caches, Input/Output, virtual memory and related performance issues. Prerequisite: CS 2308 and [CS 2318 or EE 3420] both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3354. Object-Oriented Design and Programming.

The course covers object-oriented design principles and programming for students with prior programming experience. The topics include inheritance and polymorphism, object-oriented design process, UML diagrams, design patterns, exception handling and multithreading. Students will design and implement programs in Java. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3358. Data Structures and Algorithms.

This is a course that covers classic data structures and the analysis of algorithms. Prerequisites: CS 2308 and MATH 2358 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3360. Computing Systems Fundamentals.

This course covers fundamental concepts underlying the design and implementation of computing systems. It introduces students to problems that reoccur in computing systems and the tools and algorithms used to solve them. Topics include performance evaluation, resource management and scheduling, concurrency and synchronization, and communication and networks. Prerequisite: [CS 2318 or EE 3420] and CS 3358 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3369. Embedded Computer Systems.

This course studies the architecture of embedded systems, micro-controllers, their peripherals, languages, and operating systems and the special techniques required to use them. Prerequisite: CS 2318 or EE 3420 either with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3378. Theory of Automata.

An introduction to automata theory, computability, and formal languages. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3393. Software Testing.

This course introduces basic concepts and techniques for testing software and finding bugs. Topics include test design, test process, unit, integration and system testing, manual and automatic techniques for generation of test inputs and validation of test outputs, and coverage criteria. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 3398. Software Engineering.

The study of software design, implementation, and validation techniques through team projects. Structured analysis, programming style, and project documentation are emphasized in large software projects. (WI) Prerequisite: CS 3354 and CS 3358 and [CS 2315 or EE 2400] all with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Writing Intensive
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4100. Computer Science Internship.

Provides on-the-job training supervised by computer scientists in industry internship programs approved by the department. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.25 Overall GPA and instructor approval.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 20 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

CS 4298. Undergraduate Research I.

Supervised individual research project in a mentor-student relationship with a computer science faculty member. Cannot be given degree credit until the satisfactory completion of CS 4299. Prerequisites: Minimum 3.00 Major GPA and instructor approval.

2 Credit Hours. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

CS 4299. Undergraduate Research II.

Supervised individual research projects in a mentor-student relationship with a computer science faculty member. Prerequisites: CS 4298 with a grade of "C" or better and instructor approval.

2 Credit Hours. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4310. Computer Networks.

This course covers the fundamental concepts in the design of computer networks and networking protocols with emphasis on the Internet (TCP/IP) architecture. The covered topics include: protocol layering, media access, internet routing, transport protocols, and applications. Prerequisite: CS 3360 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4315. Introduction to Data Mining and Information Retrieval.

This course covers fundamental concepts and techniques in data mining and information retrieval. Data mining topics include classification, cluster analysis and pattern mining. Information retrieval topics include Boolean retrieval, vector space model, and Web search. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4318. Compiler Construction.

This course investigates theoretical and practical issues in the design and construction of modern compilers. Topics covered include lexical and syntactic analysis, syntax-directed translation, type checking, intermediate representation, code generation, and runtime systems. A major portion of the course involves implementing a compiler from scratch for a C-like programming language. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4326. Human Factors of Computer Systems.

Principles and methods in human factors and ergonomics applied to the design and use of computer systems. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better. (WI).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Writing Intensive
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4328. Operating Systems.

This course covers the principles of operating systems design. The covered topics include: process management, CPU scheduling algorithms, inter-process communication and synchronization, memory management, virtual machines, and I/O device management. Prerequisite: CS 3339 and CS 3360 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4332. Introduction to Database Systems.

Introduction to database concepts, data models, file structures, query languages, database management systems. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4337. Introduction to Computer Vision.

This course covers fundamental topics of computer vision. Topics include elementary image operations and transformations, template matching, feature extraction, object recognition, classification and tracking, deep learning, camera models and stereo vision, and image searching. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4346. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.

An introduction to the basic concepts of artificial intelligence; search techniques, knowledge representation, problem solving. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4347. Introduction to Machine Learning.

This course provides systematic introduction to machine learning, covering basic theoretical as well as practical aspects of the use of machine learning methods. Topics include learning theory, learning methods, and recent learning models. Application examples include multimedia information retrieval, text recognition, and computer vision. Prerequisite: CS 3358 and MATH 3305 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4350. Unix Systems Programming.

Fundamentals of Unix operating systems, Unix file system and environment, C memory allocation, development tools, processes and signals, threads, device drivers, and programming for security. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4353. Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces.

This course covers abstract and practical foundations of graphical user interface design, evaluation, and implementation. Students will learn the fundamentals of computer graphics and interactive computer/human interfaces. The course includes a survey of usability measures, the major GUI standards, and GUI tools. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4355. Algorithms and Analysis.

This course covers classic algorithms in computer science and their applications. Emphasis is on algorithm design, algorithm analysis, problem formulation, and problem solving. Topics include advanced tree and graph algorithms, advanced sorting and searching algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, string processing algorithms, and algorithm complexity (time and memory). Prerequisite: CS 3358 with grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4368. Survey of Computer Languages.

A survey of computer languages. Criteria for choosing languages to be covered include history, important development paradigms and environments, and language implementations. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4371. Computer System Security.

Course covers practical aspects of computer system security including managing and producing code for secure systems. Theory, such as cryptography, is introduced as needed. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4372. Introduction to Digital Multimedia.

The course covers concepts, problems and techniques in digital multimedia. Topics include digital representation and data compression of text, speech, audio, natural and synthetic images, and video, as well as multimedia applications, transmission, and standards. In addition, the course introduces perceptual aspects of multimedia signals and sources. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" of better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4379D. Distributed Ledger Systems and Blockchains: Theory and Applications.

This course covers fundamental concepts underlying the design, implementation, research, and applications of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) systems (e.g., blockchains). It introduces implementations, applications, and performance evaluation of DLT systems. Topics include cryptographic encryption, security, anonymity, cryptographic data structures, DLT performance evaluation, DLT applications, and current DLT research. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4379E. Introduction to Network Science.

This course covers fundamental concepts and algorithms in the fields of social network analysis and network science as well as practical aspects of analyzing network-structured data. Topics include graph representations, network visualization, graph algorithms, random graph models, centrality measures, link analysis and ranking algorithms, and community detection and graph partitioning. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4379Q. Introduction to Recommender Systems.

This course covers the basic concepts of recommender systems, including personalization algorithms, evaluation tools, and user experiences. We will discuss how recommender systems are deployed in e-commerce sites, social networks, and many other online systems. Additionally, we will review current research in the field. Prerequisite: CS 3358 with a grade of "C" or better or instructor approval.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4379Y. Introduction to Green Computing.

Reducing energy consumption of mobile devices, cloud computing platforms, and supercomputers is a paramount but daunting problem. This course covers fundamental concepts and techniques in green computing, including a hardware energy efficiency roadmap; energy efficient software design, resource management, and storage solutions; and green data centers and mobile computing. Prerequisites: CS 3339 and CS 3358 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4380. Parallel Programming.

This course teaches practical aspects of parallel programming. Topics include multi-core processors and shared-memory programming, hardware accelerator programming, and distributed-memory machines, and message-passing programming. Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed for developing parallel software by writing programs for a variety of parallel computers. Prerequisite: CS 3339 and CS 3360 both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4381. Practical Game Development.

This course teaches practical aspects of computer game design and implementation. Topics include graphics game engines, game physics, AI methods applied to games, and software architectures for computer games. Students will gain knowledge and skills needed for game development via team projects. Prerequisite: CS 3398 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4388. Computer Graphics.

This course is a study of the hardware and software used in graphic representation and interpretation of data. Prerequisite: CS 3358 and [MATH 1317 or MATH 2321 or MATH 2417 or MATH 2471 or MATH 2472] both with grades of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

CS 4395. Independent Study in Computer Science.

Open to undergraduate students on an independent basis by arrangement with the faculty member concerned. Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

CS 4398. Software Engineering Project.

Students undertake a software development project. They work in teams, developing requirements and designs which they will implement and test. Prerequisite: CS 3398 with a grade of "C" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Dif Tui- Science & Engineering
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Adhanom, Isayas B, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno

Ahmed, Shibbir, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Iowa State University

Alabandi, Ghadeer Ahmed H, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., Texas State University

Ali, Moonis, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Aligarh Muslim University

Ali, Ghazanfar, Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Almstrum, Vicki Lynn, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Au, Tsz Chiu, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of Maryland College Park

Bhandari, Keshav, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., Texas State University

Bryant, Barrett Richard, Dean, College of Science and Engineering and Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D. Northwestern University

Burtscher, Martin, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder

Castro Hernandez, Alberto, Assoc Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of North Texas

Chen, Xiao, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University

Cheung, David K P, Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., The Ohio State Univ Main Campus

Gao, Ju, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Simon Fraser University

Gholoom, Husain A, Senior Lecturer, Computer Science, M.S., New Mexico State Univ Main Campus

Guirguis, Mina S, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Boston University

Hwang, Caneo Jinshong, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Louisiana State Univ A&M College

Islam, Tanzima Z, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Purdue University Main Campus

Kao, I-Lung, Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Florida

King, Charles R, Lecturer, Computer Science, M.S., Texas State University

Klepetko, Randall S, Asst Professor of Practice, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of Texas at San Antonio

Koh, Lee-Song, Senior Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of Oklahoma Norman Campus

Komogortsev, Oleg, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Kent State University

Lakomski, Gregory Randell, Lecturer, Computer Science, M.S., Texas State University

Lee, Chul Ho, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., North Carolina State University

Lehr, Theodore Franklin, Associate Professor of Practice, Computer Science, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Li, Xiaomin, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., Texas State University

Metsis, Vangelis, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington

Mohandesi, Manouchehr, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, M.S., Univ of Texas at San Antonio

Ngu, Hee Hiong, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Western Australia

Patrick, David Lee, Asst Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of Texas at San Antonio

Peng, Wuxu, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Penn State University Park

Perez-Rosas, Veronica, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of North Texas

Podorozhny, Rodion, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Qasem, Apan Muhammad, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Rice University

Queiroz de Farias, Mylene Christine, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of California, Santa Barbara

Ramkumar, Vasant Chandkumar, Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., City University of New York

Rathore, Heena, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology

Seaman, Jill M, Professor of Instruction, Computer Science, Ph.D., Penn State University Park

Shi, Hongchi, Chair - Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., University of Florida

Tesic, Jelena, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of California, Santa Barbara

Vargas-Garzon, Edwin, Lecturer, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ of California-Irvine

Yang, Kecheng, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Univ North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Zong, Ziliang, Professor, Computer Science, Ph.D., Auburn University