Minor in Nature and Heritage Tourism

The minor in Nature and Heritage Tourism requires 22 semester credit hours.  Nature and Heritage Tourism is the most rapidly growing segment of the overall tourism industry. The minor in Nature and Heritage Tourism concentrates on planning, development and management of nature and heritage tourism activities that have a strong learning content.

Required Courses
GEO 2410Introduction to Physical Geography4
GEO 4322Interpretive Environmental Geography3
GEO 4326Parks and Protected Places3
NHT 4301Planning and Development of Nature and Heritage Tourism3
NHT 4302Internship in Nature and Heritage Tourism3
Choose 6 hours from the following:6
Agricultural Business Management
Range Management
Agricultural Marketing and Sales
Soil Science I
Soil Science II
Agricultural Resource Economics
Principles of Cultural Anthropology
World Prehistory
Latin American Cultures
Archaeology of the Southwest
Ancient Cultures of the Texas Crossroads
Mexican American Culture
Myths and Moundbuilders
Archaeology of Mesoamerica
Archaeology of North America
Rise of Civilization
Archaeological Field School
Wildlife and Recreation: Impact, Policy, and Management
Nature Study
Field Biology of Plants
General Ecology
Natural History of the Vertebrates
Wildlife Management
Southwestern Studies I: Defining the Region
Southwestern Studies II: Consequences of Region
Literature of the Southwest
Geography of Europe
Latin America
United States and Canada
Natural Resource Use and Management
Geography of North Africa and the Middle East
Geography of Texas
Geography of South and Southeast Asia
Geography of East Asia
Maps and Mapmaking
Geography of the Southwest
Regional Field Studies
Environmental Management
River Basin Management
Landscape Biogeography
Geography of the Russian Realm
Independent Study
Field Methods
Physical Geology
Historical Geology
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Topics in Field Geology
The U.S. - Mexico Border and its Communities: A History
Texas History: A Survey
Latina/o/x Histories
Management of Organizations
Principles of Marketing
Beginning Scuba
Advanced and Master Scuba Diving
Underwater Photography
Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services
Introduction to Outdoor Recreation
Recreation Facilities Operations and Maintenance
Evaluation of Leisure Service Programming
Outdoor Recreation Programming
Sociology of Sport and Leisure
Total Hours22