Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Major in Exercise and Sports Science (Clinical Exercise Science Concentration)

Minimum required: 120 semester credit hours

General Requirements

  1. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree with a major in Exercise and Sports Science program is designed to prepare graduates for study towards a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, or a similar field of study. Completion of this degree does not guarantee admission to a graduate program.
  2. This degree program can lead to careers in cardiopulmonary, clinical exercise, and diagnostic testing and programming for cardiac rehabilitation and other special populations. Additional requirements may be necessary to enter these fields.
  3. Students entering Texas State with fewer than 16 hours completed after high school graduation will be required to take US 1100. All others will be exempt from taking this course but will be required to earn an additional free elective, if needed, to reach the 120 minimum total hour requirement for the awarding of a degree.
  4. The general education core curriculum courses are listed in the degree plan below along with the statewide component code number. See the General Education Core Curriculum section of this catalog for the Texas State requirements and options in the core curriculum, including Honors courses.

Course Requirements

First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
ENG 1310 (Communication Component Code 010 [TCCN ENGL 1301])3ENG 1320 (Communication Component Code 010 [TCCN ENGL 1302])3
POSI 2310 (Government/Political Science Component Code 070 [TCCN GOVT 2306])3POSI 2320 (Government/Political Science Component Code 070 [TCCN GOVT 2305])3
MATH 1315 (Mathematics Component Code 020 [TCCN MATH 1314])13BIO 2430 (TCCN BIOL 2404)4
AT 23563ESS 11001
COMM 1310 (Component Area Option Code 090/091 [TCCN SPCH 1311])3ESS/PFW Major Activity41
US 11001PH 13203
 16 15
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
PH 23403NUTR 336213
American History Component Code 0603American History Component Code 0603
ENG Literature (Component Area Option Code 090/094) [TCCN ENGL 2322, 2323, 2332, 2333, 2327 or 2328]3ART 2313, DAN 2313, MU 2313, or TH 2313 (Creative Arts Component Code 050 [TCCN HUMA 1315])3
Life and Physical Sciences Component Code 03034Life and Physical Sciences Component Code 03034
Social and Behavioral Sciences Component Code 0803ESS 11791
ESS 11011PHIL 1305 or 1320 (Language, Philosophy, and Culture Component Code 040 [TCCN PHIL 1301 or 2306])3
 17 17
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
PH 43363ESS 33193
ESS 33173ESS 33203
ESS 31171ESS 43513
ESS 33293Life and Physical Sciences34
Clinical Elective53ENG 33033
AT 33583 
ESS/PFW Major Activity41 
 17 16
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
ESS 41011ESS 46616
ESS 43193 
ESS 43203 
ESS 43213 
Clinical Elective Choose 256 
 16 6
Total Hours: 120

While not recommended, previously completed courses in some areas can be substituted for the following degree requirements:


A 2.5 Overall GPA is required to enroll in this internship. All other coursework must be completed prior to the internship.


 Life and Physical Sciences courses must be chosen from:  BIO 1330, BIO 1130, BIO 1331, BIO 1131, CHEM 1341, CHEM 1141, CHEM 1342, CHEM 1142, PHYS 1315, PHYS 1115, PHYS 1325,  PHYS 1125, PHYS 1335, and PHYS 1345. Students must take 12 hours (i.e. three courses and three corresponding labs).


 ESS/PFW Major Activity courses must be chosen from: ESS 1172, ESS 1175, ESS 1176, ESS 1178, PFW 1110A, PFW 1110B, PFW 1110E, PFW 1110F, PFW 1110G,PFW 1130B, PFW 1135B, PFW 1155A, PFW 1155G, PFW 1155H, PFW 1155I, PFW 1160B, PFW 1160C, PFW 1190B, and PFW 1190C.


Clinical Elective courses must be chosen from: ESS 4333, ESS 4324HIM 2360, and NUTR 3364, PH 3348