Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Major in History (Secondary Education; Teacher Certification in Social Studies, Grades Seven through Twelve, with Double Major in B.A. Education)

Minimum Hours: 121 Semester Credit Hours

Admission Requirements

  1. All students pursuing teacher certification must apply and be accepted to the Office of Educator Preparation.

General Requirements

  1. The general education core curriculum courses are listed in the degree plan below along with the statewide component code number. See the General Education Core Curriculum section of this catalog for the Texas State requirements and options in the core curriculum, including Honors courses. The History courses HIST 2327HIST 2328HIST 2381, and HIST 2382 are for general education core curriculum credit only and cannot apply toward the History major.
  2. In addition to the general education core curriculum requirements, the Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) requires three additional hours of English literature, three additional hours of math/science/logic/computer science courses, six hours of 2000-level modern language courses, and a minor. For this program, the additional literature course may be satisfied by selecting a sophomore literature course for the 040 component of the core curriculum, the additional science may be satisfied through the completion of GEO 2410 in the major, and the second major in Education fulfills the minor requirement.
  3. Students must complete a minimum of 36 advanced hours (3000 or 4000 level courses).
  4. Nine hours of writing intensive (WI) courses are required for graduation.

  5. To satisfy graduation requirements for teacher certification, students must have at least a 2.75 Overall GPA and a GPA of at least 2.50 in all assigned courses in the professional sequence of the Education major with no grade below a “C”.
  6. This program is designed to prepare students for secondary teacher certification in History Social Studies Composite and requires students to pursue a second major in Education. The following courses are required for the major in History Social Studies Composite:
    HIST 1310History of the United States to 18773
    HIST 1320History of the United States, 1877 to Date3
    HIST 2311History of World Civilization to the 17th Century3
    HIST 2312History of World Civilization from the 17th Century3
    HIST 3372Texas History: A Survey3
    HIST Group A - World History3
    HIST Group B - European History3
    HIST Group C - U.S. History3
    GEO 1309Introduction to Cultural Geography3
    or GEO 1310 World Geography
    GEO 2410Introduction to Physical Geography4
    GEO 3309United States and Canada3
    or GEO 3329 Geography of Texas
    POSI 2310Principles of American Government3
    POSI 2320Functions of American Government3
    PS 3323Congress and the Legislative Process3
    or PS 3324 The American Presidency
    or PS 3331 The Supreme Court and the Judicial Process
    ECO 2301Principles of Economics3
    Total Hours46
  7. This program is designed to prepare students for secondary teacher certification in History Social Studies Composite and requires students to pursue a second major in Education. The following courses are required for the major in Education:
    Education Foundation:
    CI 2310Education for Change3
    CI 3325Adolescents and Society3
    CI 4332Secondary Teaching: Curriculum and Technology3
    Teaching and Learning:
    CI 3340Teaching for Linguistic Diversity3
    CI 4343Instructional Strategies for the Secondary Teacher3
    CI 4370Building Relationships in the Secondary Classroom3
    CI 4372Teaching in Communities3
    RDG 3323Teaching Literacies in the Content Areas3
    SPED 4344Educating Students with Mild Disabilities3
    Clinical Practice:
    EDST 4681Clinical Teaching 7-126
    Total Hours33
  8. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires multiple background checks for progression through the Educator Preparation Program. Based on information recorded in your criminal history, you may be ineligible for issuance of a teaching certificate upon completion of the Educator Preparation Program. If you have a criminal history, you may obtain a Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation from TEA. For more information, go to:
  9. For transfer students, 6 semester credit hours in Curriculum and Instruction and Special Education may be transferred from a Texas public institution of higher education for the Associate of Arts in Teaching Field of Study and be applied to the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Education at Texas State University. More information about the Field of Study is available in the Academic Policies section of this catalog. The transferable Texas Common Course Number (TCCN) is listed below the Texas State University course number in the following course list:
    CI 2310Education for Change3
    TCCN: EDUC 1301
    SPED 4344Educating Students with Mild Disabilities (CI ELNA)3
    TCCN: EDUC 2301
  10. For transfer students, 21 semester credit hours in History may be transferred from a Texas public institution of higher education for the History Field of Study and be applied to the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in History at Texas State University. More information about the Field of Study
    HIST 1310History of the United States to 18773
    TCCN: HIST 1301
    HIST 1320History of the United States, 1877 to Date3
    TCCN: HIST 1302
    HIST 2311History of World Civilization to the 17th Century3
    TCCN: HIST 2321
    HIST 2312History of World Civilization from the 17th Century3
    TCCN: HIST 2322
    Total Hours12

Course Requirements

First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Communication Component Code 0103Communication Component Code 0103
Mathematics Component Code 02013Creative Arts Component Code 050 [HUMA 1315]3
Life and Physical Sciences Component Code 0303HIST 1310 (American History Component Code 060 [TCCN HIST 1301])3
POSI 2310 (Government/Political Science Component Code 070 [TCCN GOVT 2306])3POSI 2320 (Government/Political Science Component Code 070 [TCCN GOVT 2305])3
Modern Language 14104Modern Language 14204
US 11001 
 17 16
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
ENG Literature (Language, Philosophy, and Culture Component 040)23Life and Physical Sciences Component Code 0303
HIST 1320 (American History Component Code 060 [TCCN HIST 1302])3ENG Literature (Component Area Option Code 090/094)23
ECO 2301 (Social and Behavioral Sciences Component Code 080 [TCCN ECON 1301])3Modern Language 23203
COMM 1310 (Component Area Option Code 090/091 [TCCN SPCH 1311])3HIST 2311 (TCCN HIST 2321)3
Modern Language 23103CI 2310 (TCCN EDUC 1301)3
 15 15
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
GEO 1309 or 1310 (TCCN GEOG 1302 or 1303)3HIST Group A - World History3
HIST 2312 (TCCN HIST 2322)3GEO 2410 (BA Science, Math, Computer Science, or Logic)4
HIST 33723Secondary Field Block I:9
HIST Group C - U.S. History3 
Education Core:6 
 18 16
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
HIST Group B - European History3Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):6
GEO 3309 or 33293 
PS 3324, 3323, or 33313 
Secondary Field Block II:9 
 18 6
Total Hours: 121

One course from the following may be chosen to satisfy the Mathematics Component Code 020: MATH 1315 (TCCN 1314), MATH 1317 (TCCN 1316), MATH 1319 (TCCN 1324), MATH 1329 (TCCN 1325), MATH 2321 (TCCN 1323), MATH 2417 (TCCN 2412), or MATH 2471 (TCCN 2413).


An ENG Literature course may be selected from the following: ENG 2310 (TCCN ENGL 2322), ENG 2320 (TCCN ENGL 2323), ENG 2330 (TCCN ENGL 2332), ENG 2340 (TCCN ENGL 2333), ENG 2359 (TCCN ENGL 2327), ENG 2360 (TCCN ENGL 2328), ENG 2371

HIST Advanced Group Electives

HIST 3319History of Brazil3
HIST 3320History of Mexico3
HIST 3322Colonial History of Latin America to 18283
HIST 3324Latin America from Independence to Present3
HIST 3325GModern Revolutions in Latin American History3
HIST 3325IResistance and Rebellion in Colonial Latin America3
HIST 3326The Southern Cone of Latin America3
HIST 3327History of Mexico to 18483
HIST 3328Militarism in Latin America3
HIST 3337History of U.S. Foreign Policy Making in the Muslim World 13
HIST 3338History of Religion in India3
HIST 3368UU.S. - Cuban Relations 13
HIST 3368ZA Global History of Pandemics3
HIST 3384History and Culture of Modern India3
HIST 4318SBritain and the World 13
HIST 4318YThe Global Teenager 13
HIST 4325Islamic History to 17983
HIST 4326The Modern Middle East3
HIST 4327The Problem of Palestine3
HIST 4328History of India3
HIST 4331Piracy Through the Ages 13
HIST 4332European Colonialism 13
HIST 4333The History of Russia and Eurasia to 1917 13
HIST 4334The History of Russia and Eurasia from 1917 to Present 13
HIST 4342Modern Africa3
HIST 4343Modern China, 1600-Present3
HIST 4344Modern Japan, 1600-Present3
HIST 4345Postwar Japan3
HIST 4346Modern Korea3
HIST 4347Hong Kong in the Modern World3
HIST 4348Mahatma Gandhi and Nonviolence3
HIST 4349History of Drugs3
HIST 4350ASlavery and Emancipation in the Americas3
HIST 4350DEmpire and Identity in Central Asia3
HIST 4350EGender in Latin American History3
HIST 4350KGender & Militarization in the Arab World3
HIST 4350LHistory of Southeast Asia3
HIST 4350RWorkers and Work in the Arab World3
HIST 4350TJapanese Urban Life3
HIST 4350VHistory of Pakistan3
HIST 4350YDevelopment of Secularism in Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey3
HIST 4353WWI: The Great War 13
HIST 4362Peace and Nonviolence Movements 13
HIST 4368War and Society 13
HIST 4369Introduction to Ethnohistory 13
HIST 4373Economic and Social History of the Americas 13
HIST 4388Problems in History 23
HIST 3310History of Europe, 1815-19193
HIST 3311History of Europe Since 19193
HIST 3312Renaissance and Reformation3
HIST 3313Europe During the Old Regime, 1600-17603
HIST 3314Revolutionary Europe, 1760-18153
HIST 3315History of England to 16033
HIST 3316History of England Since 16033
HIST 3332History of Early Modern Spain from 1492 to 18083
HIST 3333History of Modern Spain from 1808 to Present3
HIST 3368PThe U.S. and Britain in the Sixties 13
HIST 4304Ancient Rome and the Mediterranean 500 B.C. to 500 A.D.3
HIST 4307Medieval European History, 300-14003
HIST 4316Roman and Medieval Britain3
HIST 4317Tudor-Stuart England, 1485-16893
HIST 4318NImmigration in European History3
HIST 4318SBritain and the World 13
HIST 4318UTopics in Industrial Britain3
HIST 4318WQueer Youth History3
HIST 4318XScottish History from the Wars of Independence to the Present3
HIST 4318YThe Global Teenager 13
HIST 4318ZPodcasting History: Making Marginalized Voices Heard 3
HIST 4320Origins of Christianity3
HIST 4323France and the Modern World3
HIST 4331Piracy Through the Ages 13
HIST 4332European Colonialism 13
HIST 4333The History of Russia and Eurasia to 1917 13
HIST 4334The History of Russia and Eurasia from 1917 to Present 13
HIST 4336Germany from 1815 to Present3
HIST 4337Germany and National Socialism, 1918-19453
HIST 4341The History of Modern Britain3
HIST 4353WWI: The Great War 13
HIST 4368War and Society 13
HIST 4388Problems in History 23
HIST 3317U.S. Women's History to 18773
HIST 3318U.S. Women's History since 18773
HIST 3329Spanish Borderlands, 1521-18213
HIST 3337History of U.S. Foreign Policy Making in the Muslim World 13
HIST 3340History of the United States, 1877-19143
HIST 3341History of the United States, 1914-19453
HIST 3342Social and Intellectual History of the United States, 1607-18653
HIST 3343Social and Intellectual History of the United States Since 18653
HIST 3346The Civil War and Reconstruction3
HIST 3349The Constitution of the United States3
HIST 3352Western America3
HIST 3353The U.S. - Mexico Border and its Communities: A History3
HIST 3357History of U.S. Foreign Relations3
HIST 3359African American History3
HIST 3363Colonial North America to 17633
HIST 3365US Early Republic, 1788-18283
HIST 3366Introduction to Public History3
HIST 3368BLaw and Society in Early America3
HIST 3368EUnited States Westward Expansionism, 1776-18613
HIST 3368HLBJ's America3
HIST 3368JThe Space Race3
HIST 3368KTopics in American Cultural History3
HIST 3368LHistory of Mexican American Music in the Southwest3
HIST 3368MPopular Music and Social Movements in 20th Century America3
HIST 3368PThe U.S. and Britain in the Sixties 13
HIST 3368SHistory of Music and Race in the American South3
HIST 3368TAmerican Songbook3
HIST 3368UU.S. - Cuban Relations 13
HIST 3368XOrganization of the Modern American State3
HIST 3368YWalking in the Way of Peace, War & Slavery: Quakers in American History 3
HIST 3371AConflict and Creativity in U.S. Urban and Suburban History3
HIST 3371BHealth and Illness in American History3
HIST 3371CHistory Behind the Headlines: Current Debates in a Historical Perspective3
HIST 3372Texas History: A Survey3
HIST 3373CThe History of Rural Women3
HIST 3373DHistory of American Feminisms, 1960-20203
HIST 3374AHistory of Christianity 1300-17003
HIST 3375ATopics in Working Class History3
HIST 3376American Religious History3
HIST 3377History of Country Music3
HIST 3378History of the Blues3
HIST 3379History of Rock and Roll3
HIST 3380The Desegregation of the South from 1944-19703
HIST 3381Democracy and Education3
HIST 3382Immigration and US History3
HIST 4352Black Women and Black Protest in America3
HIST 4360History of the United States, 1945 to 19683
HIST 4361History of the United States, 1968 to the Present3
HIST 4362Peace and Nonviolence Movements 13
HIST 4364Military History of the United States3
HIST 4365Age of Revolution in North America, 1763-17893
HIST 4367US Antebellum Era, 1812-18613
HIST 4368War and Society 13
HIST 4369Introduction to Ethnohistory 13
HIST 4371Introduction to American Indian History3
HIST 4372Latina/o/x Histories 3
HIST 4373Economic and Social History of the Americas 13
HIST 4374AHistory of American Sexualities3
HIST 4375ACritical Issues in Texas History3
HIST 4375BAfrican-American Experience in Texas3
HIST 4376The History of Texas Music3
HIST 4377Social Justice and Reform Movements in the United States3
HIST 4388Problems in History 23

Course is listed in multiple groups based on content from a variety of regions; however, such courses may only apply to one group upon completion.


HIST 4388 is an independent study and may be applied to Group A, B, or C depending on content.