Minor in Philosophy

The graduate minor in Philosophy requires 6 semester credit hours.

Required Courses
Choose 6 hours from the following:6
Applied Philosophy
Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Language
Philosophical Writing
American Philosophy
History of Ethics
Professional Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Meaning of Life
Philosophy of Sex and Love
Philosophy and Sport
Medical Ethics and Bio-ethics
Major Work or Theme in Ethics
Food Ethics
Philosophy of Law
Social and Political Philosophy
Feminist Theory
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophical Logic
Philosophy of Education
Philosophical Theory of Science
Philosophical Theory of Knowledge
Ethics and Dementia
Moral Psychology
Philosophy, Nonviolence, Sustainability, and Social Change
Philosophy of Biology
Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Philosophy of Emotion
Analytic Philosophy
19th Century Philosophy
Philosophy and Science Fiction
Themes in Africana Philosophy
Problems in Philosophy
Internship in Applied Philosophy
Images of Women
Total Hours6